Toronto Maple Leafs Defenseman Is Out For 6 Months


Travis Dermott, Toronto Maple Leafs defenseman, will have a no-play break during half of the year. Recently, he has undergone surgery to his shoulder. It means that the player cannot play until the second week of November. He will miss not only training camp but the beginning of the 2020/2020 season.

Dermott injured his shoulder on February 27th during the game when Toronto beat out Edmonton with the score 6-2. He was made to head shoulder-first into the boards by Edmonton’s Brad Malone. As a result, the Maple Leafs star missed out on 14 contests, before having returned to participate in the Toronto’s last five regular-season matches, and its playoffs with the Bruins.

However, due to the nature of the injury, the surgery proved to be something that the Ontario native would not be able to get out of. Now, he will have a 6-months no-play break.

Career of the Toronto Defenseman

This season, 22-year-old Travis Dermott played at the Maple Leafs in 64 games. He got managed to achieve 13 assists and four goals. Then, he added another goal and two assists to this list during the first-round defeat against Boston, which had a total of 7 playoff games.

The defenseman has played 101 career NHL games and has registered 30 career points. Toronto Maple Leafs selected Dermott during the second round of the National Hockey League draft in 2015. Since then, the Leafs have not regretted his selection at any point.

Will Dermott’s Absence Influence Toronto’s Off-Season Plan?

The Maple Leafs did think ahead about such contingencies. Andreas Borgman and Calle Rosen will be able to get involved when needed. Moreover, the Jake Muzzin acquisition will help a great deal for sure. The main secret of any team’s success is the ability to fill the lacuna in advance. It appears that Toronto managed to learn from lessons from the past.